Say Cheese!

In 2011 at SJSU, I was part of Chicano Commencement, a special graduation ceremony for all Latino students and our families. Chicano Commencement, or “CC”, focused on highlighting the achievements of all Latinos in our community and so the majority of contributors to help make “CC” a success were Latinos. This included everything from the live music to the photography. The photographer, Sergio Estrada, had already been a friend of mine as he had photographed many Latino related events on campus. Graduation night was quite a success, with all the photographs to cherish.

From the moment I was accepted into the pageant, I knew one of the key components I would need was having a complete portfolio. Though it had been a few years since graduation, I quickly whipped up an email proposal and sent it over Sergio’s way and thankfully he agreed to take on the role. We set up the photo shoot during Memorial Weekend since he’d be in town photographing CC’s Class of 2013. After some indoor studio shots, we ventured out to Penitencia Creek in San Jose where we spent about 30 minutes posing with various backdrops.Though I was not able to see all photos, I was able to get a glimpse of a few and from what I saw, they looked amazing! I’m really excited to get the photos back and I’m thankful Sergio was able to be part of this experience with me.

Kassie P.